Welcome to our Northern Lights Live feed!

We are located in Utsjoki in the far north of Finnish Lapland, and between the end of August and the beginning of April, you can watch our live Aurora stream right here on Youtube. If you have visited our site and watched our live stream before, you have noticed that we have Northern Lights quite often here in Utsjoki. Actually – since February 2017 – every guest who booked a holiday package with us, got to see the Northern Lights! Isn’t that amazing!

If you want to stand here on the banks of Teno river with us – make sure to book your holiday before the packages are sold out. We only guide small groups to make sure your holiday is comfortable and we can offer you the best services. For more information, head to the winter or autumn holiday package page and all the dates available can be found from our booking page. See you in Utsjoki!

What time are the northern lights live?

Our camera covers a large portion of the northern sky, and we are at such a northern latitude, that when the sky is clear, there is usually a big chance to see the northern lights live just from the comfort of your home. There is a clock on the stream that shows the local time here in Utsjoki. Our days and night time change drastically throughout the year. In September-October, it will start getting dark only after 8-10 PM, and same goes for March and April. In the November-February period, we can sometimes see the northern lights as early at 4 or 5 PM!

Make sure to choose the 1080p quality option from Youtube if your connection allows it. This will give your aurora live stream a much nicer look. If you want to be alerted when the northern lights appear on our cam, you can register to our Facebook group. If you turn on the notifications, you will be informed as soon as someone sees the aurora.

Sometimes, the image will be very bright or white, this happens during the day when the camera is still in the night settings. We will switch at some point to day settings so that you can enjoy with us our beautiful view of the Teno River.



Between April and August, the sky is too bright here and the northern lights are not visible. So we will broadcast the midnight sun instead! Then you can enjoy our 24 hours of daylight with us, and see the sun gently touch the horizon in the middle of the “night”.

Enjoy the northern lights live with us! And if you wish to see this with us right here on the shore of the Teno River, check out our holiday packages!