Aurora Holidays welcomes Girls Love Travel round two: #GLTFINLAND winter tour highlights

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It’s a wrap! This month we welcomed and waved goodbye to our last #GLTFinland guests of the winter season and what a fun time it has been.

During January and February we hosted three Girls LOVE Travel groups here in Utsjoki to share with them everything winter in Lapland has to offer. Want to know what we got up to with these ladies? Then keep reading for our Girls LOVE Travel winter tour round up post.

Want to know how you too can join one of the upcoming #GLTFinland tours? Then check out the our booking page for more details and availability! Simply find the GLT tours in the list of dates and click the info button to the right to see the full itinerary. In order to book a GLT trip, you have to be a member of the Girls LOVE Travel Facebook group.

This winter Aurora Holidays welcomed 32 ladies from the United States, New Zealand, France, Australia, Canada and Sweden. Although they came to us from different parts of the world, they all had at least two things in common: each one of them is a member of the Girls LOVE Travel group on Facebook and of course they wanted to experience everything Lapland has to offer in the winter – most of all the Northern Lights.

We are incredibly proud and happy to announce that like all our guests this winter, all 32 ladies have seen the Northern Lights – more about that later.

The #GLTFinland winter tour has a fun-filled itinerary that was specially created to introduce the Girls LOVE Travel members to the life and culture here in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland and provide a memorable holiday experience in a winter wonderland setting with like-minded travellers.

The GLT ladies got to try everything from adrenaline-fuelled snowmobiling rides through the Arctic wilderness, a peaceful snowshoeing hike through winter landscape and even trying themselves as dog-mushers for a day on an epic Husky Safari in Northern Norway.

Winter here in Lapland is a truly beautiful time of year and each of our groups got to see some of the most unique weather and nature phenomena of the North: snow-covered trees, moon halos, the first sunrise after 52 days of Polar Night and spectacular displays of the Northern Lights.

Like magic the hoarfrost arrived with the first group GLTers in Utsjoki and left us the week of the last group this winter. When the hoarfrost covers the trees in a white blanket of ice crystals we never quite know how long it’s going to last. This year we were fortunate enough to have it for four weeks and share it with all of our Girls LOVE Travel winter guests. This is only one of the unique natural wonders you can experience here in the north. Mother nature after all is always good for a surprise.

But it wasn’t just the natural surprises that made the trips so special to our guests. One of the #GLTFinland groups was lucky enough to see a live performance by the local Sámi artists Solju, a mother-daughter duo from Utsjoki.

We want to thank all the members of Girls LOVE Travel, who chose to join us this winter and use this opportunity to thanks each and every one of you for your great spirit of sisterhood and interest in our life here in the northernmost parts of Finnish Lapland. It has been a pleasure to get to know you all.

Don’t worry this wasn’t the last time we will be hosting a #GLTFinland trip. In fact we already have trips available to be booked for summer, autumn and winter this year.

How to book?

Go to  our booking page and scroll down to find the trip you are interested in. Click “info” to read the itinerary and then proceed to book.

When you book, please give us the code word (found in the GLT Facebook group) so we know you’re a member.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on one of our tours!

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